
*报名意向 Intention:
*是否首次参与北京时装周?Is this the first time you have participated in BFW?
*申报品牌名称 Brand name:
*品牌创立时间 Established since:
*品牌归属地 Brand origin:
*品牌类型 Brand type:
*代表设计师 Representative designer:
*发布作品 Product type(可多选):
*发布风格 Product style(可多选):
*媒体宣传增值服务 Media service:
*申报机构名称 Company name:
统一社会信用代码 Uniform social credit code:
营业执照 Business license:
上传图片 Upload photo(格式支持jpg、png、 jpeg ,文件大小不超过2M)
*机构/品牌/设计师介绍 Company/Brand/Designer introduction:
新季作品预览目录下载链接 New collection lookbook download link:
*联系人姓名 Contact name:
*职务 Position:
*联系电话 Contact number:
联系邮箱 Email:
联系地址 Address:
The above information is for reference only. The privacy information will not be used for commercial purposes.Please feel free to fill in.
Our company applies to participate in Beijing Fashion Week and promise to abide by the rules and management of Beijing Fashion Week Organizing Committee.
Successful applicants will be included in the official agenda of Beijing Fashion Week, and shall go through the procedure, submit relevant materials and pay relevant fees according to the requirements of Beijing Fashion Week Organizing Committee.
Registration received!

Successful applicants will be informed within 10 working days,please wait patiently.